Top 10 Dental Hygienist Schools In The US

dental hygienist schools

Deciding on a dental hygienist school is a very important decision, so it’s necessary to get this done right. Here are the top 10 dental hygienist schools in the US based on GPA and DAT scores and helpful info about their acceptance rate for students.

1. University of Michigan School of Dentistry

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This university has an annual tuition of $28, 538. The median GPA of the most current class accepted at the University of Michigan was 3.6 and a DAT score of 21 which is much higher than the standard for all dental colleges.

University of Michigan’s School of Dentistry Dental Program (DDS/DDM) accepts about 109 students yearly, which is greater than the average for all dental hygienist schools. The acceptance rate is low (4.98%) because it is very selective. They only accept the best students around the country.

2. University of Minnesota School of Dentistry

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This school has a GPA of 3.5 which is only a little higher than the average for all dental hygienist schools. The DAT score is 19.90 which is almost the same as the average for all other dental schools. It has an acceptance rate of 50% and total enrolled students are around 53,567.

3. University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine

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Yearly tuition is $40,210 which is a bit more expensive than the average of all dental colleges. Average GPA of the most recent class is around 3.57. They got a DAT score of 20.29 which is definitely much higher comparable to other dental hygienist schools. The school accepts 80 students every year which is an average rating for dental schools.

4. University of Maryland Baltimore College of Dental Surgery

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This government college is located in Maryland, Baltimore. Most recent average GPA for this college is 3.4 which is fairly lower than the median for all dental hygienist schools and DAT score is around 19 which is much higher compared to the rest of dental schools. The total number of enrolled students is 6,295 and the school accepts 97 students very year.

5. Ohio State University College of Dentistry

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A public college located in Columbus, Ohio. The GPA average is 3.65 and the DAT score is 20.05. The Dental Program admits 103 enrollees every year. The acceptance rate is 64% of new students and average SAT score is around 1870.

6. University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry

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This private school is located in San Francisco, California. The tuition fee is quite expensive which is $89,887 annually. GPA is lower than average and it is around 3.56 and DAT score of 20 which is higher than the median. The dental school admits about 145 students every year and acceptance rate is about 37%.

7. Loma Linda University School of Dentistry

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The school is based in Loma Linda, California. It has an average of 3.44 GPA and DAT rating of 19.77. They take 99 students every year and acceptance rate is 4.63%.

8. Texas A&M Health Science Center: Baylor College of Dentistry

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Located in Dallas, Texas, this school has a low annual tuition fee $5,390. The average GPA that they accept is 3.57 and 19.3 for the student’s DAT score.  They accept 101 students every year with an acceptance rate of 6.85%.

9. Louisiana State University School of Dentistry

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This public school is based in New Orleans, Louisiana. The annual tuition fee is only $16,769. When it comes to admission, they require students to have a GPA of 3.4 and a DAT score of 18. They only accept 65 students yearly — which is quite low, and their acceptance rate is 13%.

10. West Virginia University School of Dentistry

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It is a public school from Morgantown, West Virginia. Average GPA should be 3.6 with a DAT score of 16. The school program for Dentistry accepts 43 students annually, which is way too less than the average of all other dental hygienist schools. The acceptance rate is high though at 84%.

So here are your choices for the top 10 dental hygienist schools to choose from. Will your GPA and DAT score be enough to get into these schools?

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