If you are looking for money to pay for college, you are one of the multitude of people looking to finance their studies. Your GPA may not be outstanding enough to earn an academic scholarship to the college or university of your choice, or through some organizations in your area. However, looking for scholarships for college student has become a lot easier the moment internet made information a whole lot more accessible. As a matter fact, there are some weird scholarships given to college students who need financial assistance.
Here are 10 weird scholarships available for the picking:
1. Tall Clubs International Scholarship:
TCI awards $1,000 to tall American students under 21 who are attending their first year of college in the fall. Height requirement is at least 6’-2” for men and 5’-10” for women. Additionally, you need to be sponsored by a member of the TCI.
2. Little People Of America Scholarships:
Just to balance things out, it seems, there is also a scholarship that benefits small people. LPA provides scholarships in the following order of preference:
a) Members who have been medically diagnosed with dwarfism;
b) Immediate family of paying LPA members
c) Non-LPA members with dwarfism
d) Students with various forms of disability
e) Non-disabled students who need financial assistance
Applications are accepted from early January to mid-April. Scholarship application forms are available through local LPA offices and the LPA website.
3. “Stuck at Prom” Scholarship Contest:
If you have the talent to turn duck tape into an eye-catching fashion, this scholarship contest is for you. Sponsored by Henkal Corporation’s Duck Tape Brand, this award ten entries with prizes ranging from $500 to $5000. All you have to do is wear an attire completely made of duct tape to your prom, send one color photograph with your name, address, and contact details. Entrants sign release forms and minors require parental consent. This contest begins on March 11, and 10 winners are selected from all entries received.
4. American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) Scholarship Program:
Where many scholarship applications require you to write essays, the AFSA scholarship requires you to read one. Just visit their website and read a short essay about fire safety, then complete a 10-question quiz on the subject. Ten winners are awarded scholarships of $2000. The contest is open to high school seniors, and equivalent homeschooled students who wish to go on to college or trade school. Entrants have 10 chances of getting it right and this scholarship is not even based on financial need.
5. Three Sentence Weekly Scholarship:
Even if you hate essays, you have a chance at this. You only have to write three sentences on the subject — how the concept of “karma” has influenced your life, to get a chance at an award of $1000 from Zinch Corporation. This scholarship is open to all US high school and college students. All entries are submitted through the web.
6. Chick and Sophie Memorial Duck Calling Scholarship:
This contest provides scholarships of $500, $750, $1000, and $2000 to students who win a contest based on being able to make a satisfactory duck call on stage. This wacky scholarship contest is open to graduating high school seniors.
7. Common Knowledge Scholarship:
This is for people who know a lot of trivial facts. Sponsored by the Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation, it awards $250-$2500 to US high school, college and graduate students who rate highest in common knowledge quizzes.
8. The Get Up And Active Scholarship:
The Get Up And Active Company awards scholarships of $1500 to high school or college students who write the best 500-word essay about how they have become active and why it is important for young people to be active. Winners are required to use the funds solely for school-related materials and fees.
9. Frame My Future Scholarship:
This is for the artistically inclined. Working on the theme “this is how I frame my future,” students take a picture or make a collage, a drawing, scrapbook page, a poem or use any other creative idea to portray what they want to achieve in college, to join the contest. Church Hill Classics offers six scholarships of $1000 to students attending a US college or university full-time in the next fall term.
10. Sweet Diggity Dawg Scholarship:
This is as easy as it gets as long as you are a current graduating high school students with a minimum 2.0 GPA.
Your Choice
Calling all weird college students! Ok, you don’t have to be weird to avail of the listed scholarships, you only have to be persistent and believe in yourself to take advantage of any of these weird scholarships. After all, a scholarship is still free money for your education. Go get them.
Scholarships are great opportunities for students to get money for their tuition. Now costs for study, campus and textbooks are increasing every year. That’s why any help is welcome. By in order to win even such funny contests, you need to write a good scholarship essay, the one that convenience the commission to give you the prize. I use for such essay writing blog TopReviewStars – they provide the tips for writing any type of essay. If you have any doubts, you can contact members, they are ready to help you.