Characteristics And Specific Duties Of A Sales Associate

sales associate

sales associate

If you are a job seeker looking for an opportunity for interaction, you should build a career in the customer service field — one of which is being a sales associate. For sure, you will enjoy meeting and interacting with different kinds of people. But, what does it take to be a sales associate?

Characteristics of a Sales Associate

1. “To be of service” mindset

As a sales associate, customer satisfaction is your primary concern. It is important to satisfy your customers in order to close a deal. You should possess the “service” mindset. An organization’s success depends heavily on how service-oriented its employees are. Having the service mindset entails knowing instantly what the client wants and exceeding the client’s expectations.

2. People oriented

A sales associate is expected to be people oriented. People oriented or extroverts enjoy being with other people and thrive in an environment that requires team effort. A sales associate must show warmth when interacting with clients. He or she should know how to express positive body language such as a smile and eye-to-eye contact when dealing with customers. This sends a message to the client that you are interested and enthusiastic to be of help to them.

3. Knowledge of the product or service

A sales associate should master the product or service he is trying to sell. Knowledge of the product or service gives an impression that you are credible and convincing. Customers are easily impressed by someone who knows what he is talking about and readily responds to their questions.

4. Respect towards a customer

A sales associate is expected to treat each client with respect and enthusiasm. He must know how to control his emotions. Even if  he is having a bad day and feeling stressed out, he should deal with his clients in a respectful manner. As a sales associate, your clients should have an impression that you can readily attend to their needs in an accommodating way.

5. Customer framework

A successful sales associate should know how to initially assess a customer and his needs. When you have a good understanding of the client’s needs, you will know what options to offer him. It is also important to identify cues or signs that will help him attend to his customer’s needs.

6. Excellent communication skills

A sales associate must possess good communication skills. Since you are dealing with many clients, it is important to convey your ideas clearly. Communication skill is not just about speaking but also listening emphatically to your customer’s needs. If you listen well to the client, you will be able to identify his needs and effectively communicate your ideas.

sales associate

Specific Duties of a Sales Associate

1. Managing inventory

If you are working in a shopping center, the sales associate takes care of monitoring the stocks and items which are on display. Basically, you take care of restocking and reorganizing the items for sale.

2. Sales

As a sales associate you should be persuasive enough to convince customers and make them want to buy your product. Part of this responsibility is taking note of the product specifications and identifying customer needs.

3. Provide customer service

It is part of your duty to assist clients and provide prompt service. Sales associates are also responsible for the after-sales assistance.

4. Perform administrative duties

Sales associates are expected to know basic administrative duties such as attending and scheduling shifts, answering phone calls and operating office equipments.

In the US, a sales associate earns an average of $17,000 to 26,000 per year. This is quite an attractive remuneration package especially for those who are just starting out in their careers. Aside from the salary, sales associates also receive bonuses and commission depending on the company they work for. Many people looking for rewarding and highly interactive career, pursue a career as a sales associate. It is fun and exciting .

How about you? Do you have what it takes to be a sales associate?


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