UPDATE: Yes, this list is current and actively updated as of February 2025.
You have probably reached our page as you wanted some help navigating through the HUNDREDS of websites online, just to be able to find out which is the best Fake ID Website in 2024?
The trouble is knowing which websites to trust, how much you should pay, and what kind of quality you can accept from your ID purchase.
For some, having a fake ID is part of the “growing up” experience. For a number of reasons, having one can prove to be very useful. You can buy alcohol if you get through the security routine and even get into the town’s hottest clubs.

In addition to this there are lots of scam websites which have been created by greedy individuals to steal your hard-earned money. Whilst they might promise you an amazing looking product – just know that if it’s TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE it usually is.
This is why our team of college students has vetted through HUNDREDS of different reviews, and used our own experience to bring you this list of sites that provide novelty identification.
Today, you can have a fake ID by ordering one online. Here are some of the top websites where you can buy a a false document that not only look legitimate, but also will work at your favourite venues ID scanner and will arrive in a timely manner.
1. IDGod.org

Average Price | $120 (on SPECIAL) |
Number of US States | 49 |
Shipping Time | 12-16 days |
Quality | 9.5/10 |
Link to proof photos | Coming Soon |
Link to customer reviews | Coming Soon |
Website URL | https://idgod.org |
The living legend himself – IDGod. Operating for over 10 years now – he floods US campuses with literally hundreds of ID’s per week. He has been features in countless news reports (see here, here, here and a news segment here).
There are many different websites which look like th real one, so make sure you are always using the real ID God URL.
2. Litfakes.com

This site officially has the largest selection of US states out of all the websites listed here – they’ve been operating since 2015 and they also have some of the most competitive pricing in the entire list too (EVERY card is just $80). They have been around on the dark web for the last 5-6 years and only recently set up a website open to public.
Average Price | $80 |
Number of US States | 49 |
Shipping Time | 12-19 days |
Quality | 9/10 |
Link to proof photos | Photo 1 | Collection 15 Photos |
Link to customer reviews | Review 1 | Review 2 | Review 3 |
Website URL | https://litfakes.com |
3. FakeID.ch

If you want cards that look very sophisticated and not just your run of the mill fake ID, FakeID.ch is the service for you. They used to be known as EuroFakeID until they changed their name.
Even the standard identification fake ID that you will order looks very fancy and will lead anyone to believe that it is authentic as well as official.
As a bonus they don’t just do US Fake ID’s – they do UK, Swedish, German, and Norwegian ID’s too.
4. 5thFloorDMV.com

5thFloorDMV.com is a well known Chinese Fake ID seller which a strong reputation for custmer service and speed.
5. DesertFoxIDs.com

DesertFoxID’s is one of the only Fake ID sellers located in USA so guarantees quick delivery to other customers located in the states.
6. ID Viking

Besides creating very realistic fake driver’s licenses, ID Viking is also known for making novelty licenses, diplomas and even certificates. Other than servicing clients in the United States, this site can also make fake ID cards for Russian clients as well as those living in Europe.
Average Price | $100 |
Number of US States | 16 |
Shipping Time | 19-30 days |
Quality | 7.5/10 |
Link to proof photos | Proof Photo |
Link to customer reviews | Review |
Website URL | https://idviking.com |
7. ID Chief

Another specialty website that creates very real fake ID cards, ID Chief has a different way of protecting itself from the illegal nature of what their services is providing. They require all their clients to read the legal page so that everyone is informed that buying a fake identification card should not be used to break any laws, especially underage drinking among teens.
8. OldIronSidesFakes

This site knows what they are doing is not exactly within the legal boundaries of the law. In fact, Fake 21 has a disclaimer that they only create ID cards for college students who would like to go clubbing but not necessarily to consume alcohol. Fake 21 is exclusive in a sense that they only make New York driver’s licenses that are counterfeit to ensure the quality of their work. So, unless you live in the city, you can’t get any type of ID from them.
9. FakeYourDrank

Selling fake identification cards for novelly purposes, this site specifically makes IDs for clients that live in the United States. Their major selling point is that their cards are PVX-printed, which looks a tad more legitimate than other fake ID cards out there.
10. EvolvedIDs

This website is one of the most experienced outfits when it comes to making ID cards for people that need one. What sets them apart is that what they make have quite some unique features that others do not have. Plus, they can ship your order to you regardless of where you live in.
As far as your info goes, does fakeidmaster truly even work? have you ever met anyone who has received an id back from them?
scam, tried them
Hey, I got one off craigslist, decently price. The guy was quick and easy to work with. Spoke english and whatnot. The quality is great and it worked for what I needed. I got mine from pa but he doesnt meet up, he only ships.
his email is [email protected]
worth the cash, if youre looking.
how much
Steve Rogers scammer?
I know i tried dofakes.com to china based site they got me until i found a legit vendor.
What vendor did you use?
Get the fuck outa here you scammer..your just one of them. . Scammer ass
i can give that a thums up
My friend ordered from oldironside.com and got SCAMMED. They never shipped her fake
where to buy fake British police warrant card ??can you please contact me on WhatsApp 07930639060,,Thanks
I know man, dofakes.com is ran by the same owner that runs underground reviews. Stay from them
This is some b********. All of these are fake or have been shut down.
All these sites are down. I’ve had personal success with these guys. http://strictlynovelty.weebly.com/order.html I got it fast and it was actually pretty good quality. Idk how much longer they’ll be up though.
hi, all i don’t think any trusted vendor online , cause i try to get my and send all the money in, and they’re didn’t sent ay id to me
well this is JANK! i need an ID ASAP and all of these sites are down. excuse me as i cry.
[ 21Fakes dot com ] is a Legit site that sells High Quality Fake IDs.
Fast Discreet Shipping.
Holograms, UV ink, Barcodes that Scan.
All Security Features Replicated.
Excellent Customer Service.
State of the art Order Form allows us to process your order very quickly.
We are currently giving out Free backup IDs if you make a review video of your IDs.
[ 21Fakes dot com ]
[email protected] sent both my friends there IDs before payment. And let me telll you, they were flawless!!!!!
Dude above is fake sounded so legit replyed to all my emails the moment I sen him my payment nothing no response nothing total fucking rip off !!!!
I reaally checked everywhere and found the best site for fake id or fake driver license was at: http://www.noveltyid.us
[email protected] is legit he only does OHIO but it’s perfect.
Did u get an ID from him? Got mine taken away last night, PISSED! Got mine from IDcheif and looking for someone reliable now
Not 21 yet, want to hit the clubs tonight? Clubin2night can provide you with what you need to go Clubin in 3-5 days. For ordering information or additional questions please email us at [email protected].
You people are idiots new ids are where i got mine and my friend cindy got hers from [email protected] people the only twocsites i know are legit
got mine from [email protected] only people i trust did a group order of 15
And this wasnt a scam? You have the fakes now?
found them on youtube making a video the customfake people
I bought mine from the [email protected] people I personally found them on instagram.com/instantidcards My ID scans has the real state holograms and everything so if anyones actually looking for id
Cindy is fake. What’s your instagram?
I Have a facebook i can show u i dont have an IG i can also take pics of my id tht says im 18 and one tht says im 22, are u another one of those ppl getting paid to bash legit vendors, Lets make a be there real. I Have my ID dude from instagram.com/instantidcards
cindy, ive been following this and need proof that people say they received product…ive been ripped off fm a few sites and posted em..im just trying to find a place that delivers……not pizza…….hahahahah
Dude fakeidcanada.com is where I got my “novelty” ID from. Why is there one person bashing this dude? There’s proof on there page every where that if someone was a scam they couldn’t do. I personally bought IDs from them that’s why I’m so confused.
dave, how much was ur id
then y did cindy lie
call or text +1(484)-222-5017 they are legit
if u tnk im going to f/b aft ur e mail was boges, hahahahahahahah
cindy, y is ur e mail non existing…..so u r a lier…………busted
I heard mixed reviews about them
i would go with with [email protected] or ted danzig on the silk road (He does OHIO) or instagram.com/instantidcards
Don’t go for instantidcards, it’s a scam!
EMAIL ME [email protected] I MGONA SEND U A PIC OF MY REAL ID AND FAKE ID I GOT FROM INSTAGRAM.COM/INSTANTIDCARDS OR AM I FAKE TOO? you get hired from big fake id vendors to get people not to order from id vendors that get popular for making good fakes. i got my id from them, dnt be fooled u guys
katey, ur e mail is wrong…no such e mail address…wtf….now u sound fake…
Hello, I am the Chief Operations Director of ID_TITAN, the leading vendor for high quality Fake ID’s. This message is to inform all of our previous customers and potential customers that we are currently running our summer group order promotion beginning July 1st. For people who have not yet heard of our company we are popular throughout colleges and high schools nation wide for being the number one vendor for high quality Fake ID’s. We make high quality fake ID’s that have the ability to scan, pass UV/black light tests and have real state holograms. If you have any questions or would like to place your order you can contact us at [email protected].
Thank You,
Chief Operations Director
Jason Lee
id titan…are rip offs
http://bestfakeidreviews.wix.com/idreviews I got this review ive tried three out of the five and got good quality IDs
fuck u cuervo u sack of shit…listen up pep…i got ripped off fm these pep. AND got his site fm here…fuck u too collleg rag…update ur site….i sent western union to….richard duggin 4950 w 40th st circle, jacksonville fl. 32209 got shit…i told u cuervo, id bash u everywhere i went telling pep u r rip offs….so, dont buy fm these crack heads
hey this e mail is down…jose asshole is a rip off and i exposed them…..they prob got another one tho….fk em
Robert did you ever find anyone
hi, everyone just becareful they’re just want your money and not sent any id to you
i found a file for a New York licence on photoshop best on ive found it has all the layers and is easy to edit made 12 id’s already and sold them for $150 each check it out http://reliablefiles.com/file/04s64
I got the fake id from instagram.com/instantidcards or there order email is [email protected]. The ID came really quick it scans on the back scanner thing it has real state holograms i havent had any type of issue with anyone thinking its fake.
Blahhhh, what’s your instagram if you have it?
instagram.com/instantidcards is where i copeed my fake shhh legit too
Blahhhh, what’s your instagram?
Ive been reading alot of these reviews on fake IDs, I got mine from [email protected] my ID scans has that real state holograms. I purchased the FL ID with a free backup copy. They do have diffrent state but anyone looking for a legit fake that only takes a few days these guys worked ou.
InstantIdCards on instagram
is a scam. He will respond back to you…Chris Glenn
[email protected] or with his personal email … you send him a
Vanilla Reload for $150 then he will keep saying that he sent it. It’s
been a month. DO NOT BUY from instagram.com/instantidcards … Chris Glenn is a fraud. Don’t believe the pictures!!!
instantidcards is a big noooooooooooo!
I just wanted one for novelty…
can you prove this or are you talking out of your ass? I just got my ID from those people today……
I have screenshots that I’ll tag you in. What’s your instagram?
hey man i just ordered from him last week and i keep bugging him about it and he hasn’t told me that he sent it and i am so worried
Let everyone noe you got your id bro [email protected] does send out fakes
Whats your Instagram I want to see these screenshots because I don’t know who to believe or trust.
hey krisyten..such lango……..u go girl…hows urs look
This is actually a video from a real id vendor this isnt the person in the desciption. I got my fake ids from instagram.com/instantidcards the fake ids scan have real state holograms and wen me and my freinds ordered in a group it was mad cheap. They have pretty solid proof on the instagram page how high quality the IDs are as well. I wouldnt order from any vendor that doesnt have solid proof anyways.
Fake! Don’t believe in this…you start posting to push my comment down. Chris Glenn is a scammmmmmmmmm
ok people, how bout…newids.com?? impressive web site….comments plz..
hey u stupid fucks who has this web site…y dont ya update ur top 10 sites for getting id….half of them r full of shit, like u….hahahahaha
Hey everybody, my advice is DO NOT BUY online. They are all scams. instagram.com/fiveguys_id
who is now under a new domain is a SCAM. They communicate through kik or [email protected] and claim they only make FL ID’s, they even send you a picture of your “printed ID” and then never send it, respond to you, and change their information. DO NOT TRUST THEM.
why hasnt this fucked up site updated yet….wtf…i lose good money finding a site who delivers…hahahahahahahahahahlolololol…who owns this sack of shit.
Robert james, any luck? I was about to order based on info from another site (21overnight.com), which has a link “Trusted Fake ID Source Click Here”, which directs you to: dofake.com, claiming to be legit BECAUSE they are based in China, opposed to US. In the Conclusion at the bottom of the site, there is a link to Underground-Review.com and thought it was good advice, but there is a comment above by Easy only two months ago saying they were a scam, too.
(I’m just looking for an authentic looking ID to use when dating. I’m old, but want to shave 10 years off to match how old people tell me I look).
e male me
How much do you charge for fake California Driver License? How long does it take? Any sample pic you can email me? Thanks
dude reddit.com i got 2 ids fm 2 different vendors….yolo.com and uridguy.com this reddit site is great. wait till u check it out…
Club21ids.com has provide good quality ID for IL, MD, NC and RI.
I need an ID with someone holding it the one appearing in the ID if you can deliver let me know
Hey anyone who this is legit or know someone who can deliver fake ID answer me with your email
don did you have any luck? the above list is all crap and scam artists. Club21 is a huge Ripoff, and underground review suckered me with their crap reviews. I am finding no one to really trust
wtf, read the posts and u wont b asking that anymore…reddit.com….now go
i read all these posts was hoping to find a decent guy to recommend me to one for a change rather than a miserable troll like yourself. would it have killed you just to be courteous buddy?
if u read ALL the posts ud hv an id by now and relax on the courteous, nancy. its the internet…reddit.com look for yolo.com or youridguy.com i received ids fm both
i have read all the posts susie q but i’ve yet to see one I trust or one i know for a fact isn’t a scam. at any rate…my question was for don, not you bobbie.
susie q….blaaaaahaaaaahaaaaa. good one. i cant tell u how much money ive lost trying to find a vendor who delivers, until i found reddit.com the site is run by kids who are still in school and that my friend is enough proof for me. like i said, yolo.com and uridguy.com are 2 vendors i went thru and they delivered. if ya didnt check it out yet, why? im only 1 man trying to right the wrong of rip offs. ill get a pic on here but i got to block out some info on it.. take care betty boop
sure thing there wanda. i’ll wait for don to respond and do my best to ignore your troll baiting. go scam someone else already dude
Instant ID from instagram is sooo fraud! They ripped me off soo badly, I went through soo much crap to send them 150$ and I never got my I.D. Please don’t waste your hard earned money on those scammers!
Most of these websites in the comments are scam. There’s a scam review site underground-review.com that cons you to make a purchase on one of their websites. And you cannot even post a review on the site. Many people have been scammed by them, so be careful.
im not really a review guy but after having my money taken from china sites etc I found http://www.steverogersfakes.com/ The IDs are great no bs no games just down right good ID, Hes gone tons of proof on an instagram page his site his prices are really fair I would check them out.
hey all….go to reddit.com nd u wont b disapointed
i got a il id and an az id fm 2 different vendors….uridguy.com and yolo.com both are respectable or they wuldnt be o reddit.com
RUN and Stay clear of Steve Rogers they took the money then promised 10-12 days then don’t ever respond back COMPLETE RIP OFF
Steven Rogers is a scam! Don’t fall for it you’ll end up like all of us real people who they stole from
have you ordered or heard anything about dofake?
i mailed them they answered me i was gonna send them the money but i will not
What about idzone.pH??
Being that so these people the are scamming you have so much time and so many accounts to respond to there own messages with other accounts they own. A red flag for me is when I email a few people and the response I get is the same from two of the people then I pretty much know I’m going to get scammed. But [email protected] and [email protected] are the same person and are both in Florida. Being they only accept western union is a red flag to me, If your going to do a good job and have faith in your id’s and service you’ll use an other payment method. And before you start calling me a lair for telling the truth, maybe you should send me your email and I’ll forward you both emails.
hey I just need a reputable freaking id seller damn it lol can anyone fuckin help? I need scan-able ids from arizona, utah, california, or idaho.
Exactly!! They are the same person and nothing but svammers!!
Idbook.ph is actually a id website that sends ids I got ripped off by dofake.com they don’t reply to emails so it’s a scam never got products idbook send me mines so I trust them they are legit
This place actually worked? And youve had no problems with it?
We have one of the best reputations among any ID vendor you will find.
High quality (holograms/magstrip/UV/barcode)
Ships from within the US. No customs to worry about.
Fast service. All orders shipped within 3 business days.
There are other ID vendors with similar quality to ours, but they cannot match our shipping times (which is why we charge more).
Secure and anonymous ordering with Bitcoins.
Superior photo editing. We’ve been told we edit the photos you supply better than most other vendors.
Really? Steverogersfakes.com is where i got my 3 fakes. They use fake ids to pick up funds under differnt names.
you did its bee a month for me nothing but excuses
Your a fake too
who does nz i.ds i really need one
EDIT: Found out kiwifakeid.com does them 🙂
Hi. Email me : [email protected]
Hello I need three Id’s [email protected]
Do you still make them North Carolina
I don’t get it?
I used steverogersfakes.com or instagram.com/steverogersfakeids I got the id in like almost two weeks it looks identical to real state ids I wouldn’t use dofakes there in china and dofakes.com took my money that’s why I went with steverogersfakes.com
Wats your email I would like to talk to you more in details
rogers is a scammer
Who really received a actually Id from steverogersfakes ?
I have.
Bye I don’t believe you
It is a scam I ordered 2 weeks ago he sent me an order number and then I never got it.
Not me!! I was robbed $350
Hey, I got one off craigslist, decently price. The guy was quick and easy to work with. Spoke english and whatnot. The quality is great and it worked for what I needed. I got mine from pa but he doesnt meet up, he only ships. I liked that because I would not want to meet anyone on cl.
his email is [email protected]
i tried diff China sites for years, Then a year ago a friend told me about instagram.com/steverogerfakeids or steverogers.com there ids are great! they come quick as hell never had any issue
i tried diff China sites for years, Then a year ago a friend told me aboutinstagram.com/steverogerfakeids… or steverogersfakes.com there ids are great! they come quick as hell never had any issue
BS Steve Rogers is a SCAM
For eleven years i was barren. Although my husband was supportive, my in-laws mocked me. A friend advice me to visit Osun magic home and i did. That day, I was blessed by the man said and my faith come alive. Thereafter, my husband and I did what he (Osun) ask us to do and we did it with faith and believed. During my birthday period in 2014, it was topmost on our prayer point and we held on to every prophecy declared by Osun, I became pregnant and to the glory of God, i delivered a baby boy! he can also bring back your ex, resolve broken marriages, cure any kind of sickness, trust me, this man is so powerful and straight forward. he always called during the process. His email is [email protected]
Steve Rogers is a fake don’t trust it . Club 21 ids is a legit website I received it quickly with Rush shippin any questions let me know
Yes Steve Rogers is a SCAM
That makes no sense bro, Me all my friends get are fake
Ids from them, U should email there customer service email because i know they arent a scam
To be honest me and all my friends use them steve rogers guy, The steverogersfakes.com The IDs came really quick we were surprised to see how real they look (They have proof videos) but when you seen them in real life u see, and we use them every where, I first tried the China bs sites they didnt work so i tried these guys anyone look for a vendor to get a quick id these are the boys instagram.com/Srogersfakeids
BS SCAMMERS .. we’ve all noticed the few of you same people keep posting to try n get them good reviews..
The other reason i used them is the review from Tmf.
FakiIDAustralia.com, 6 customers ordered from this site and all 6 people got there Ids, The site and customer service personal say you will have the Id in seven to ten days, Everyone said it was more like 10-12 days, what is ok because at least there getting the Ids, the sites Ids were reported to be perfect, The Ids scan, Have the real Holograms on the Ids. One kid used it in vegas with no issues at all. They also have a rush option they said three days customer did get the ID in 3 days from the day he ordered.
You’re posting a very interesting blog content which people were usually after of using or trying to know where to get their fake ids to use. As far as I know, using a fake is id OK if it’s just being use for personal matters.
DoFake.com is scam. I just lost $140 with them. They never contacted me and I never got my fake ID. Never use them if you do not want to lose your money.
I ordered from Litfakes and they got to me in a week. Me and my friends have not had any problems using them at clubs and bars. Really surprised they aren’t on this list. I recommend him to all my friends. You need to update this list
Still upset about being scammed by dofakes.com……. Steverogersfakes,com is offering a discount to anyone that was scammed by dofakes,com pretty sad these dofakes people are taking peopes money
Lol bro, Do people actually do that? Fake Id sites hire people to write that legit vendors are fake and are scams but my fake Id from steverogersfakes.com is in my wallet so how are they a scam? Lol im readimg this stuff snd laughing. The guys got 95% good reviews all over the imternet. Dont think i believe the “Fuck scammers” guy.
I don’t believe it either for the same reason 1, There a trusted vendor 2, I have ordered every fake ID they have all states 3, if you simply email them an ever have an issue they fix it. I agree with everyone on here but that fake person saying there a scam, why do u so many people hate on the legit vendors when theres china sites scamming everyone and steverogers is legit lol hey goodluck to everyone the vendor offers VIDEOS of there ids with the sites name on the ids.
Lmfao there more then one LEGIT person commenting on here how Steve Rogers is FAKE ,.. fucking SCAMMERS. U work with them
lol bro thasss bs I use steverogersfakes.com and get mine every time! you used the guy that was mocking his site! the owner of steverogersfakes.com let everyone know about that guy
Wow, just never heard of that ive been using them for a long time, Im sorry that ur saying that happen im honestly telling you, I order from steverogersfakes.com all the time, You do know about the person that copied there email right? And was taking his business? The actual owner of the site is taking care if it he said because they have no control of people acting like there them. Sorry about ur bad luck, I got mine i would even send u a picture of mine. I dont work for any site im just a regular person to.
Lol i love this i feel like the only vendors that get bashed and called scams are the real fake id vendors
If you want to have a lower price, to get a better novelty id, please contact the following Email: [email protected]
Lol this is funny i used two vendors [email protected] and steverogersfakes.com and always get my ids
It also doesnt make sense for a vendor to do that
ID God Is rated the number one Vendor in the world. I use them time and time again, They also have the best prices.
lol really all these people that are saying they didnt get there id frm srogers is lying they make you sign for the pkg now because people been saying they havent got there ids so they can get a free backup copy.. i just got another one for her third time but if you dnt sign they wont give you the pkg . and if you dnt sign that mean you didnt get it so they dont charge you the backup 50 dollar free.
Greg L
hey guys call or text +1(484)-222-5017 for your fake ids
Fake ID – All States – $100
ive heard it all and ive tried tons of the fake china sites, I had a friend tell me about https://www.idgod.org I followed the directions felt real confident because of all the proof and it took like 8 days cause I didn’t order rush but if anyone wants to see mine hit me up
Thanks for sharing this list of fake ID sites. I’ve gone through these website and also I found one more trustful site for scannable fake ids http://www.litfakes.com.
glad to see you have updated the review site. i agree with most of the list, just wish there were some more websites catered to international customers. For example I am looking for ID’s in both Aus and NZ and can’t find any in the list that can help me with my search.
I could not resist commenting. Very well written!
Does anyone know the best place to get fake id in 2020? Help is kindly appreciated!
Litfakes is LEGIT
WOW just what I was looking for. Came here by searching for Norwegian Fake
Honestly old iron fakes is probably the best site. I’ve ordered cards for all of my friends and they’ve all scanned and passed every test. It says on here that you can only get them for New York and that is a lie bc I live in Philadelphia Pa and have not had a problem nor have either of my friends. The quality is honestly 10/10. Shipping takes just about 2 weeks or under. 3 copies for $130-$150 with 2-3 copies depending on your selection.
IDGOD.CH sucks!!! My id came 3 months late and is super super fake. I wasted $145 for two. Do not buy from them. However, I talked to a friend and he used [blank] which works and doesn’t feel fake. Use that one
ID Viking: Your #1 Trusted Source For Fake IDs idviking
Every ID comes with a FREE Duplicate!!
Latest SC AMMERS! id-hurry.com/ IDHURRY.COM They also operates other fakes sites and fake review sites fidvendors.is/
Lost $144 with them.
IDLUCY…I made order with them 3 weeks now they have not send my card and they refused to answer my ticket so I can’t conclude if they are scam yet. I will have to wait for another week to see if IDLUCY will deliver.
What is a real I’d website damn I’m tired off getting scammed does anyone know
All the chinese websites are scams! Every one of them! They are criminals! I tell you what, do you know of anybody who has received a fake id online from china? Anybody? Nobody ever runs into somebody who actually received a fake id online! Nobody! Ask around! Everyone of these websites are scams! All the reviews are scams! Spread the word!
TOP FAKE ID ARE CROOKS! TOP FAKE ID is a scam don’t waste your money. I paid over $200 which included a $75 rush order (which is a joke. don’t do it) After one month….no ID…no pictures…no tracking numbers and my emails have been returned …”undeliverable”….they closed shop and on the run.
I talked with Amazon security and they identified the account that made the gift card deposit.
They dropped the hammer and closed out the account. PASS ON THESE THIEVES!!
Recently i have got 1 ID from https://www.collegerag.net/ and it looks really very good but they took 28 days to ship
topfakeid is a SCAM TOTAL SCAM